5 wall planter Interior Design Ideas for your home

The modern interior design approach has adapted towards a vision for crafting and curating the space where we live. One of the most interesting features of designing your homes in a modern way relies on the amount of outdoor theme that can be adapted to fit inside. While wooden based furniture, flower themed rugs, or even stone finishes are a part of natural living space.

There are various ways to bring nature into our man-made dwellings, especially by introducing plants in our space. One of the best things about plants is their versatility in terms of space, let’s take a look into six wall interior design ideas for your home.

    Adding floor plants to your living space:  Adding floor plants to your rooms improves the freshness of the space. Plants can either be small enough to accommodate at places like tiny shelves, or large enough to acquire entire floor space. The floor plant adds to the total appeal of the decor. However, due to their nature of being a living organism, you must ensure proper lighting to space. Additionally, you should also keep a note on the overall size of the room in terms of height.

      Orchids for adding essence: One of the most appealing features of adding wall interior design ideas and plants to your interiors is that plants serve as a great alternative for colours. Special plants like Orchids serve for health and also add to the aroma inside the living space. Orchids add to the overall appeal and are also the favourite’s of stylists and interior designers due to their engaging colours.

      Opt for cut blooms: An option for people who rely on a short-term solution to adding plants to their living space, cut flowers add life to your space, and are also friendlier to the pocket in terms of maintenance and care. Being easy to opt and less time to nurture cut blooms are a friendlier option and can also be replaced on shorter cycles. However, it should be noted that cut blooms don’t last as much when compared to a potted plant.

      Go for prickly plants: Not everyone can be patient enough to be growing a plant in their abode. Since caring can be the tricky part, you can opt for plants that would be suitable for all seasons. There is a wide variety of plants that can be easy to maintain and care for without having to water them on a daily purpose. Cactus or Succulent plants are one of the best options for your home. Being a deserted plant, this range of plants are well-suited to and friendly to almost every form of the surrounding. Owning to their need for a little sunlight, these plants carry more strength and longevity. Lastly, they can also be aesthetically matched with interiors to allow a more modern wall interior design ideas approach, owning to their shape.

       Go fake: One of the most prominent solutions to the need of having living plants in your home is to fake it and go artificial. Artificial plants are a great deal to save you from the trouble of spending money, replacement, and even maintenance. Using artificial flowers also set with the interiors of the house and serves the natural floral scene of the house.

While there are more than five reasons to include plants as a part of healthy interior designing, plants serve us beyond health value. Their aesthetic value of having plants around us purifies the air and improves air quality besides its aromatherapy benefits. Some of the best interior decorators in Delhi suggest the addition of plants in your living space to add freshness to your homes.


Frequently Asked Questions :

 (1) How to Take Care of Your Indoor Plants?

(2) 7 Colourful Fabric Wall Hanging ideas for your home


















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